Maybe you have long since given up the notion of setting new year’s resolutions, but setting new year’s intentions can be highly effective and a great way to approach the year.
For some writing a list of things they would like to get out of the year, be it achievements or a particular mindset can be helpful, while others might like to create a vision board by cutting out pictures or words from magazines or other media that represent what their year would ideally look or feel like.
While these activities don’t guarantee changes in your life, they do help to see more clearly what you want in your life and that in turn affects the opportunities you look for and the decisions you make.
A few years ago I did my first vision board and when I found it at the end of last year I was amazed at how many of the things that made up my board had happened in my life. While I hadn’t deliberately gone out to achieve them, they had become my life’s intentions operating in the back of my mind and influencing my everyday decisions that came together in a way that reflected what I wanted for my life.
It seems like the weeks, months and years pass so quickly that it can be easy to lose track of what you want to get out of each year and out of your life. Setting time aside to think about your life’s purpose and the things that give you joy can help to redirect you and set up 2013 to be a fabulous year.